Just like every other network that offers incredible weekly plans, Globacom has added weekly plans to its data plans. It is located under the special data plans, Glo 7GB for N1500.
The duration of the plan is 7 days. It works on all eligible smart devices. It is advisable you go for this plan if you use more than 7GB in a week or you have something big to download.
Notably, the Glo new Data of 7GB for N1500 is a replica of 9mobile 7GB for N1500.
Talking about the validity period, to data bundle, and even the price! 1GB makes this data plan a little bit different to the Airtel 6GB for N1500 and MTN Jolly Data of 6GB for N1500 with 7 days validity.
Therefore, if the Glo network is good in your place, this new plan might be ideal for you. For now, 9mobile and Glo offer you 7GB for N1500, while Airtel and MTN offer you 6GB for N1500.
Also, you can get 1GB for N300 or 2GB for N500 in this so-called Glo special data offer.
To Activate Glo 7GB for N500
Simply dial *777# and select 1, select 1 again, and chose special data offer. As I said earlier, the duration of this plan is just 7 days.
Let us know if you’ll rock this plan in the comment.
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